Sustainable Sports Communities

Let’s delve into the concept of building sustainable sport communities. In a world where the big sports names often take centre stage, we must not only celebrate the athletes and the games but also recognise the critical role that sport communities play in shaping our society.

Sport has a remarkable ability to bring people together, transcending boundaries of age, gender, race, and background. It fosters a sense of belonging, pride, and shared purpose among its enthusiasts. However, for these communities to thrive and make a lasting impact, they must be sustainable. Sustainability in the context of sport communities encompasses several facets, including inclusivity, engagement, environment, and long-term planning.


None of these facets is a one size fit all. However, for these communities to thrive, everyone needs to feel welcomed and represented. Inclusivity in sports means breaking down barriers, whether they are related to gender, socioeconomic status, physical ability, or any other factors that might hinder participation. A recognition of privilege, an awareness of different realities that do not mirror what we believe to be true.

One essential aspect of inclusivity is providing access to women’s sports. Research has shown that women’s sports often receive less coverage and support than men’s sports, contributing to disparities in opportunities and recognition.

Sustainable sport communities are not built on passive spectators but on engaged and passionate participants. Providing a platform for athletes and sports enthusiasts to voice their opinions and concerns. . This level of engagement creates a sense of ownership within the community, making it more likely to endure and thrive.

Sustainability implies thinking beyond the present and considering the future. For sport communities to remain relevant and impactful, they must have a long-term vision while also being available in the present.


The Sport Salon Approach to Building Sustainable Sport Communities

Our journey at Sport Salon has taught us valuable lessons about building sustainable sport communities. Here are some key takeaways that can apply to anyone seeking to create lasting impact in the sports world:

  1. Inclusivity as a Foundation: Start by breaking down barriers. A clear definition of the people who make up your community is a good strategy. Then, think about what defines them and make spaces for those expressions. Whatever goal is your community is aiming to reach, can only happen when people are present and feel supported and can give back that support.
  2. Engage and Involve: Active participation and engagement are the lifeblood of sport communities. Provide opportunities for your members to be heard and involved in meaningful discussions. Listen, and listen harder. Not with a aim to wave a magic wand, but a desire to understand. Only in understanding can you truly change things and draw out ideas.
  3. Think Long-Term: Sustainability means having a vision beyond the present. Consider the future and be willing to adapt and evolve when necessary. We often think of the future in terms of disruptive technology, but the climate and economy is evolving just as fast.
  4. Embrace Change: The world is constantly changing, and your community must be adaptable. Use challenges as opportunities for growth and innovation.
  5. Community as a Force for Change: Understand that sport communities can be catalysts for positive change in society. Use your platform to address important issues and make a difference.

In conclusion, building sustainable sport communities is not just about cheering for your favorite team or athlete; it’s about creating spaces where people can connect, engage, and thrive. Sport Salon has shown that with inclusivity, engagement, long-term planning, and adaptability, sport communities can be a powerful force for good in the world of sports. By following these principles, you can contribute to a more inclusive, vibrant, and sustainable sport community that leaves a lasting legacy.


  1. Llopis, G. (2019). The Power Of Building A Sustainable Community. Forbes.
  2. Johnson, J. (2021). The Importance of Inclusivity in Sport: Lessons from the Pandemic. Sport Management Review, 24(4), 529-536.
  3. Hums, M. A., et al. (2018). Sustainability in Sport Management: A Conceptual Approach. Sport Management Review, 21(1), 1-7.