

Through the sharing of our professional expertise, our objective is to inspire increased participation of diverse range of people in sports across board.

A compilation of captivating workshops, conferences, and webinars, we also curate events from external sources that we believe could bring value to our community; however, please note unless clearly started, or for an event organised by us, we are responsible for the learning design or knowledge or experiences garnered and exchanged during these events, and the verification of event details might not always be conducted independently by us.


The Athlete’s Media Kit

Hi Athletes! Mark your calendar.
Sport Salon is hosting a free workshop for you.
This workshop is for you if you:
1. Play organized sports 
2. Plan to build a brand
3. Do not have a professional team managing your career.
A big part of what helps you define your brand is your media kit. For this session, we will dive into aspects of a press kit and how to articulate what goes into it.
We will demonstrate how you can build on yourself.
It is free to attend! 
Date: Wed. Oct 18, 2023
Details of how to join is on the flyer. 
However, if you require us to send you the link, we got you. Send an email to